(This is the 4th in the series.)
To be an effective leader in 2020, you must:
C – Clarify and simplify the work
A – Align and organize team members
R – Allocation Resources to align with objectives
E – Evolve and grow your team members
S – Set the direction for your organization
4. Evolve and Grow your Team Members
As the leader, you are positioned to grow and develop those in your organization. There my be no greater responsibility and maybe nothing more rewarding than helping people reach their potential and maximize their opportunities for growth.
- Grow your Superstars – Pareto was onto something when he developed the 80/20 rule. We have translated his work to apply to business, and it fits just as well – 20% of people do 80% of the work. Even if this is half correct, it still makes the case for investing in your superstars. Invest in formal education (conferences, classes, etc.), experiential learning (leading key projects, running a different department, etc.) and situational experiences (presenting to the leadership team or board, representing the company at an industry conference, etc.). In short, give them opportunities to grow their skills and experiences.
- Evolve as the work changes (which it will) – With new technology, enhanced processes, and real-time communication, the way in which we do work is changing rapidly. Leaders need to recognize and accept this reality and respond accordingly. As a leader, you should evolve roles and responsibilities as the organization and the people evolve. (Change, when it is strategic, intentional, well-communicated, and properly managed is a competitive advantage!)
- Be selfish – Growth begets contribution begets opportunity begets more contribution – Grow your people and they will contribute more to the success of the organization. As they contribute more to the success of the organization, each and/or you will identify other opportunities for contribution. These opportunities will then result in an even greater contribution. (Not sure if this is a named “law” or not. If not, then we will call it “Corley’s Law”.) So by growing your team members, your organization will make progress toward your objectives.
Successful leaders grow their organizations. Really successful leaders grow their people who in turn grow their organizations.